Missouri Moorish Enterprise


About Missouri Moorish Enterprise LLC

At Missouri Moorish Enterprise, our mission is to celebrate and preserve soul food’s rich and vibrant history, a unique expression in the modern culinary world. We are dedicated to preparing authentic Afro-descendant cuisine using farm-fresh ingredients, including farm-raised meats, fresh garden vegetables, and homemade desserts. These dishes have long nurtured the mind, body, and soul of our culture in America.

Our commitment at Missouri Moors Enterprise is to safeguard the heritage of soul food, built upon a foundation of love and attention passed down through generations. We extend an invitation to the world to experience the rich, sweet, and savory delights of soul food.

P. Johnson-Bey Bio

Food holds a profound significance in my family, and cooking is an integral part of our lives. When preparing meals for our loved ones, we tap into a deep, spiritual aspect of ourselves, transforming the act of cooking into a soulful activity. It becomes more than just food; it is an expression of love and care. The flavors carry the essence of the cook’s soul, filled with love and affection that can be felt in every bite. We are thrilled to share the soulful culinary Diane experience with the world, inviting everyone to savor the creations of soul food.

DOL Working for You

Missouri Veteran Gets a Fresh Start With Assist From 2 Programs

Patrick Johnson of Missouri had a successful 25-year career in restaurant management, but personal problems lead to incarceration and then a need to start life over. Johnson, who served in the Army, took advantage of the St. Patrick Center’s Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program in St. Louis, which is funded by the department, to find help with housing, employment and health care. Johnson said the transition was hard at first but “I listened to the Lord, opened my we mind and took advantage of everything offered to me” through the program. He received computer training on how to look for a job and how to prepare a budget and pay his taxes. He also received assistance finding a place to live. Johnson has now turned to another department program, the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program, which pays for up to 12 months of training for qualified unemployed veterans between the ages of 35 and 60

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Real Taste Of Food